Juliane Fuchs
Producer and Curator,
Bauhaus Film Institute
Juliane Fuchs, born in Jena in 1971. Freelance author, producer and curator for film, TV and festivals. Editor of the MDR German Broadcasting Corporation since 2006, Editor "Unicato - Junger Film im MDR" and Media Competence Center. 1999 co-founder of »backup_festival. new media in film«, festival director until today. Juliane Fuchs studied Visual Communication and Media Design at Bauhaus University in Weimar and has profound experience in producing, managing and also teaching about cultural events, especially at the film-institute of Bauhaus University, Weimar.
Juliane Fuchs is a member of various boards of socio-cultural and film-cultural associations and initiatives on a local, regional and national level aiming at the development of new ways of communication, administration and financing in art and culture and has received several awards for her work.
Marc Hermann
Marc Hermann is a trained scientist and journalist. All his career (since 2000), he spent at the interface between science and visual communication.
He taught himself how to produce films by producing an award-winning short film and has been invited to Berlinale Talent Campus twice.
He founded TRICKLABOR in 2006 to bring all his interests together. Ever since, he is supervising all TRICKLABOR productions and is active in the field of concept, direction, cut and animation.
Marc’s heroes of animation are John Lasseter and Tex Avery, his favourite director is Stanley Kubrick and Werner Heisenberg and Marie Curie have impressed him most on the scientific side.
i wanna be ur dog
Dr. Alexander Peyser
Deputy Scientific Lead (among others)
Simulation Lab Neuroscience,
Jülich Supercomputing Centra
Dr. Alexander Peyser is our contact to the Human Brain Project. He is a specialist on Neuroscientific Models of the Brain, which he also develops, for example in the following projects:
- Development of high-performance neuroscience codes for supercomputers across European data centers, optimizing for many-core environments including GPUs, AVX.
- Designed and built an HPC Beowulf-style computing cluster used for electrostatic simulations and MC calculations.
Alexander Peyser’s has worked among others for Motorola European Cellular Services Division, ESO Corporation, In Vision Research, and Mediacentric Corporation, as well as the Universities of Miami and Jülich.